Samsung AI Forum 2019 포스터세션 초청
본 연구실의 조용연, 이연창, 배홍균 연구원이 Samsung AI Forum 2019 포스터세션(2019. 11. 5)의 발표자로 초청되었습니다. Samsung AI Forum 2019 포스터세션은 2018, 2019년도 최우수 학술대회에서 발표된 논문의 저자를 초청하여, 연구 내용 소개 및 질의응답을 통해 연구원 간의 식견을 교류하는 장입니다.
[발표 논문]
Title: RealGraph: A Graph Engine Leveraging the Power-Law Distribution of Real-World Graphs
Author: Yong-Yeon Jo, Myung-Hwan Jang, Sang-Wook Kim, and Sunju Park
Title: gOCCF: Graph-Theoretic One-Class Collaborative Filtering Based on Uninteresting Items
Author: Yeon-Chang Lee, Sang-Wook Kim, and Dongwon Lee
Title: No, That’s Not My Feedback: TV Show Recommendation Using Watchable Interval
Author: Kyung-Jae Cho, Yeon-Chang Lee,Kyungsik Han, Jaeho Choi, and Sang-Wook Kim
Title: How to Impute Missing Ratings? Claims, Solution, and Its Application to Collaborative Filtering
Author: Youngnam Lee, Sang-Wook Kim, Sunju Park and Xing Xie